Students quad tabling

How to Reserve a Table

Step-By-Step Reservation Instructions for Student Organizations

Four weeks in advance:

  • Reserve a table online via Your Recreation Portal.
  • Scroll down to the Memorial Union or Silo Union round table icon.     
  • Select your desired day and table number. Groups can only reserve one table per day.
  • Review Tabling Rules and Guidelines.
  • Review the bake sale guidelines, and be sure to add value to any items you plan to re-sell.
  • Complete the checkout process.
  • If needed, Submit your Application to Raise Funds.

Day of Tabling:

  • Check-in by showing your confirmation email to the MU Information Desk as early as you would like, but no later than 12noon.
  • The officer for Registered Student Organizations can forward the confirmation email to another club member for check-in.
  • If fundraising, bring a printed copy of your Permit to Sell. (Wireless print stations are located in the MU first floor lounge)
  • Clubs who have not checked in for their table by 12noon forfeit their table to other RSOs.  
  • Registered Student Organizations must have a member present at the table and cannot turn the reservation over to another group.

Same Day Waitlist Reservations for Student Organizations

  • To make a same day waitlist reservation, stop by the MU Information Desk as early as 8 a.m.
  • Tables are in high demand during the first four weeks of fall quarter and therefore same day reservations are not guaranteed. 
  • Fundraising and bake sales are not permitted for same-day waitlist reservations.
  • Tables not checked in by 12 noon are forfeited and tables will be made available at 12:10 p.m. on a first-come-first-served basis to other groups on the waitlist.
  • If you are on the waitlist, be present on the first floor of the Memorial Union at 12:10 p.m. for your number to be called over the PA system. 
  • Groups on the waitlist are not guaranteed a same-day table as inventory is based on availability.

Canceling a Reservation

  • Please cancel your table reservation if you do not plan to use it.
  • You can cancel your reservation via the page. Click the table icon, then find your reservation under "Upcoming."
  • Groups who fail to cancel their reservation resulting in a no-show will be referred to CSI for a tabling violation.

Campus Department and Non-Profit Reservations

  • Campus departments and non-profit organizations should email the MU Information Desk to set up an initial profile and provide a list of members approved to make reservations.
  • Once the profile is created, approved members can email the MU Information Desk to book a table after the first three weeks of fall quarter and after the first two weeks of winter and spring quarter.
  • Confirmation emails are sent to the email address listed on the profile. Make sure to forward the email to the individual who will be checking in.